Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wakey wakey!!

Some of us had more sleep than others last night ... yawn yawn, but we're all out on the field enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. There's a bit of a footy match going on already.

After breakfast we're off to the beach to hunt for crabs! Look out for the photos later, and don't forget to look at previous posts as we are adding more photos as we get the time.

Catch you later!

More fun to come!

Thank you all for your comments - they are much appreciated and will be passed on to the children. We have just had mini - olympics, followed by hot chocolate. Now it's time for bed!

We will try to get more photos on in the morning, though it does take time. We also have lots more for you to view when we are back at school. Apologies if you haven't seen a photo of your child yet - we will make sure everyone is on by tomorrow. Be assured that they are all having a great time!

Night night!
(Can you see the sea yet?)

Hot Chocolate Time.

More and more fun!

Ooh we've had a lovely afternoon and evening - and the rain held off for a little while! Everyone ate some tea (though some had more choc ices than others!)

A great score in the lazer shoot out!

Waiting in anticipation for some karting...

Funny looking go-karts?!!!

Look at those dirty knees!!

Yep - Miss Beckett IS looking petrified .....

But she did it (in style some might say, with a little acrobatic leg action too!!!)

So did young Mr Honey! (And many others- More photos coming soon ... watch this space!)

Hmm.... a mini Mr Parris? (Or just a fan of a funny football team?)

And the tidiest bedroom so far goes to...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kingswood Fun 2008

We have arrived!!

After having a wonderful time on the train and at Sheringham Park we arrived at Kingswood slightly early because of the rain!

The Train Ride.

Miss Beckett's Group exploring the undergrowth at Sheringham Park. Adventure in the trees!

Miss BB's Pirate Hunt!

Apparently the sea off the North Norfolk coast has many different Pirate ships! Some of the pirates look rather strange too!

You'll be glad to know (Mr Parris) that no-one got lost in the park!

Everyone's having an exciting time and currently looking forward to our first activity.

I've decided that my group should do the Leap of Faith first to get it out of the way!! Am not too sure whether I'll be liking that one!

Miss BB will do some more logging later! We're off to the Leap of Faith !!

Miss Beckett